Short Essay

How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution

This article by Ferris Jabr discusses how scientists have been neglected the more-than-a-decade-old Darwin’s theory of beauty which said that beauty in animals is not just a meaningless feature that appeals but it has a deeper meaning. Earlier scientists thought that whatever the beauty features are in animals, whether it is the peacock’s plumage or bowerbird’s, they are qualities that represent genes and intelligence, and survival skills. Animals who have been subjected to adaptive and controlled environments where they are kept alive are represented by the fact that beauty is an indicator of genes, but this is not it. In the light of Darwin’s theory of beauty which stated that beauty is not limited to genes or survival skills, but it is a driving factor of evolution. It is now being discussed that beauty which is considered a mere feature of nature that has no purpose other than beautifying the scene or animals, serves a whole lot of meaning which is much greater than intelligence or good health. this could be understood from the example of male bowerbird who spend a lot of time and effort, impressing the female, only to copulate for few seconds and never to be met again. It could also be argued with the fact that animals have been beauty preferences of animals may be due to environmental or psychological factors and these things have nothing to do with beauty as surviving skills or intelligence. This also means that evolution is not just taking place on the outside in the form of the environment but also inside as how animals are perceiving the beauty or environment.

The essay was about the English language and how its usage can vary from person to person. The writer has very clearly explained with examples of how different version of English is used on daily basis, all depending upon the person and from where the understanding of the language is coming. Communication which can be normal or causal and organically to write books and works of literature, the expression of language changes according to the demand. The writer has explained in the essay how her mother uses language according to her understanding and she understands her mother clearly but not everyone understands her. The reason is, everyone has a different level of understanding and way of expression. According to the writer, language helps us see the world clearer and help us be imaginative.

Yes, I agree with it. Language has unseen power that moves us and creates emotions, knowledge, understandings, and everyone else. It has come to my understanding that a language is a tool that we use to express ourselves. Whether it is a casual conversation or an important lecture, we express ourselves according to our understanding, our source of knowledge, and how we are communicating. After reading the essay, I understand that my language also tends to improve to be more grammatically accurate, precise when I am doing any official work, but when I am with my family, my friends, etc., the language can be relaxed and easy and sometimes full of jumbled-up words. It all depends upon whom I am having a conservation with and how my relationship is with that person. language is the medium that helps us communicate and we develop our skills and talents around the language that we use. Yes, it is true that we shape our worlds and understanding through language.

My Favorite Writing Assignment

​At the present point of my educational career, countless written assignments have been done on various topics and subjects. To be fair, the majority of the assignments were difficult at that moment and did not appear to be fun. But a few assignments stood out due to their creative space and lightheartedness. One such assignment was done in college, in which we were asked to conduct a social experiment and write about the findings. The social experiment was so much fun as we were required to ask different questions related to relationships and play little quiz-type games with couples. The engagement and responses of the participants were enthusiastic and interesting, and this made the writing assignment very interesting. 

​The reason I find this assignment my favorite of all written assignments is the exposure that I got before I started. I understood one thing very clearly:  research should be done on every aspect. The more exposure to the content that is being written, the more interesting and enjoyable work would be done. I believe that when the content is authentic and detailed research has been made, words come together automatically and the flow is undeniably smooth and fluent. For example, when I conducted the social experiment, I first did the research and made a list of questions that I would ask. Then I went through the list while applying it to myself and omitted all those which appear inappropriate. In this way, all questions were fun and participants were enjoying them as well. 

​I feel that certain qualities enable writing to come easily. First of all, the writing should be done after outlining and researching. The paper should be written as effectively as possible while considering all grammatical and theoretical details. Moreover, the paper should be read as critically as possible, so one can understand the weak points and rewrite them before submission. For example, once I had to write an essay in high school which did not interest me. The topic was related to mathematics, and it was boring to me. I did the work without interest and got a low grade as the writing quality was very basic and junior level. I believe that due to no research or interest, I did the assignment half-heartedly. I remember my assignment did not appear appealing to me and I can only imagine how it would have appeared to my professor. 

Living Like Weasels by Annie Dillard is a well-composed essay that describes her story when she encounters the weasel. A solid state of admiration was developed when she met with a weasel and got familiar with their way of life. Weasels did not live either with choice or motivation, but rather with an extreme level of purity. Annie Dillard thought that life should be spent free and carefree with no tension or other bitter realities of this world. She expects that it would be one of the best feelings if one intends to live a simple life full of enjoyment and ease. Also, she narrated the theme of freedom that existed among wild weasels and human beings. All the matter in her essay is linked to the various sections that deal with contrasting and opposing ideas. She provided the vision of yielding every moment that perfectly matched the single necessity. Human beings have killed their freedom and they are left without any choice. She turned the radical concepts of completing freedom upside down and absorbed the wildness of weasels for the ability of deep quality. Such a situation not only makes the people happy but is also adopted as a necessity for implementing it in life. The theme of life, according to Dillard, in various ways, such as life or death, natural or unnatural, and complex or simple, is narrated comprehensively in the essay for making human life easy and smooth. Life could be easy if some unknown fears were eradicated and put on a smooth road.